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New Safety Habits to Develop in the Workplace During COVID-19 Pandemic

Now that many businesses are open for business, this means many employees would have to start coming back to the workplace. While this is good news for so many reasons, this also means that as a company owner, or manager, you need to put in place new safety procedures and suggested habits that would help your employees stay safe during the COVID-19 period.

Here are 6 New procedures you can implement in your workplace to keep your employees safe during COVID-19.

Carry Out Pre-screening for Employees and visitors

The best way to ensure that an employee or customer already infected with the Coronavirus doesn’t spread it among other employees is by putting in place a pre-screening for anyone coming into the premises.

The pre-screening could include a temperature check for anyone entering the building, and ensuring that anyone entering the building disinfects their hands.

Also, you can put policies in place that state that anyone with symptoms like fever, cough, and body aches should avoid coming to work, especially if they feel sick.

Here are some of the policies that might help with keeping your employees safe:

  • Every employee should be encouraged to perform self-screening before coming in for work.

  • Any visitors with symptoms similar to those of COVID-19 should report it before coming in.

  • Put in place effective and safe symptom reporting policies.

  • Put in place alternatives to actions that require person-to-person interaction where possible.

Encourage Hand Washing and Workplace Hygiene

Hand washing and good personal hygiene have been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) as some of the most effective means of preventing the spread of COVID-19 virus. Therefore, it is important that your company makes clear the importance of hygienic habits and puts in place disinfection stations around the workplace.

Here are some of the key steps to ensuring workplace hygiene:

  • Create mandatory hand-washing policies

  • Provide hand sanitizing stations at key points around the workplace.

  • Provide disposable cleaning items like paper, towels and tissues.

  • Put up info-grams that show the proper ways to sneeze and cough.

  • Contact commercial cleaners like SafeFromSpread to help with routine sanitization.

Provide and Distribute PPE Among Your Employees

Providing and distributing personal protective equipment in the workplace can help with preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Also, creating policies that require that anyone in your workplace wears a PPE would ensure that everyone complies with this practice.

Restructure the Workplace to Encourage Social Distancing

If possible, it is recommended that you restructure your workplace to enforce social distancing directives and help reduce the risk of spreading the Coronavirus among employees and customers. It would help if you also put policies in place that require your employees and customers to practice social distancing at all times in the workplace.

Put in Place a Symptom Reporting and Quarantine System

By putting in place procedures and media through which coronavirus symptoms can be reported, you can effectively prevent the spread of the virus, and protect the lives of your workers, as well as customers.

By putting such a medium in place, swift actions can be taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and start using reactive procedures to ensure limited exposure of others to the virus.

Your policies should ensure that an employee can report symptoms without the fear of being penalized or discriminated against. Here are steps to ensure that you have an effective reporting system.

  • The policy should ensure the privacy of the employee that reports symptoms.

  • There should be an effective plan of action in place for when symptoms are reported or even confirmed cases.

  • Create effective and ready-to-go remote alternatives for infected employees to work from.


Putting several policies in place can help to foster safety and prevention habits in your workplace, and help to protect your employees and customers in the workplace.

For the installation of sanitization stations and the delivery of safety education to your employees, contact the SafeFromSpread Cleaning agency.

Safe FromSpread carries out functions like workplace sanitization, hands-free door installation, safety station installations, custom signage design, and installation, and provides comprehensive safety education for your staff.

Everyone has a right to a healthy work environment, Visit us at and keep your environment safe from the spread of virus and bacteria.
