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CHILDREN AND COVID-19: (How to Ensure Their Safety and Still Let Them Have Fun)

The toughest age group getting used to the new normal are children. It’s hard for them to understand why they can’t go out to play with their friends, have to attend school online, or even wear face masks almost every time they step out of the house.

Regardless of how sudden all of it may be for them, we must keep them safe and sound at all times.

It may be a lot for them to take in, but we can steadily promote their well-being through the following measures.

Preventive measures for children against COVID-19


Washing hands can be a boring routine, but with kids, you can make it more interesting.

Set digital reminders or have little sticky notes around the house that prompt them to wash their hands the right way. Teach them to wash their hands with soap under running water for at least 25 seconds, and use a hand sanitizer if the former isn’t available.

For children under 6 years old, it’s advisable to supervise them during the process.

Wearing a mask

Whenever they’re in public, make sure your children wear face masks correctly. If the face mask isn’t comfortable or advisable for them (health-wise), other alternatives like face shields can be used.

Physical distancing

Staying at least 6 feet away from people, especially those who appear sick is important. Avoiding crowds and touching is very important.

General hygiene

Covering their mouths and noses with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and remembering to throw it into the garbage is a habit they need to cultivate now more than ever.

Staying away from exposed surfaces as much as possible also reduces their chances of contracting the virus.

It’s also important that you thoroughly clean and disinfect your house, as there are places you may not be able to reach that your kids can!

Consider employing trusted professional services like Safe From Spread to handle the cleaning for you while you focus on keeping your child safe.

Managing illnesses in children during COVID-19

If your child gets infected with COVID-19, there’s a high chance he has mild symptoms or doesn’t show any symptom at all.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 in children are fever and cough. Make sure you monitor your children for symptoms of the virus every day.

If your child has a temperature higher than 100.4 °F, complains of sore throat, suddenly develops a cough that may or may not cause difficulty in breathing, severe headache, diarrhea, vomiting, or stomachache, then you should isolate the child and contact his healthcare provider immediately. If it’s necessary to take your child in for treatments, do so as soon as the need arises.

It’s also very important to protect yourself from COVID-19 while caring for the child.

Helping your child stay active during COVID-19

Whether you notice it or not, the drastic change in life activities will take its toll on your child’s mental health if not properly maintained.

Help your child stay active through physical activities like exercising, walks, dance lessons, games and whatever indoor activities they enjoy that don’t require others outside your bubble.

Also, keep your child socially connected to friends and family. It may not be possible to physically meet up with loved ones, but it’s possible to constantly keep in touch via video calls, chats or texts. Include socializing in their daily activities. It helps them feel connected to the world even when they can’t connect in person.

The toughest age group getting used to the new normal are children. It’s hard for them to understand why they can’t go out to play with their friends, have to attend school online, or even wear face masks almost every time they step out of the house.

Regardless of how sudden all of it may be for them, we must keep them safe and sound at all times.

It may be a lot for them to take in, but we can steadily promote their well-being through the following measures.

orld even when they can’t connect in person.
